
You guys. You lollygag the ball around the infield. You lollygag your way down to first. You lollygag in and out of the dugout. You know what that makes you? Lollygaggers!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

We're Right Here With You

Over the next several months I expect you’ll be suffering from severe bouts of what you’ll call loneliness. I wish I could say that the new endeavors filling your days in far-flung regions of the globe will keep you busy enough that you’ll forget you’re halfway around the world from the people and places which have previously comforted you. Alas, despite the rigorous schedule pacing your waking hours there will inevitably be dark moments where the clouds of doubt and distance engulf you. You will feel alone in the throngs of strangers and new friends, and you will feel so far removed from the people you love you’ll wonder if love even exists in your life any longer. But fear not; we’re right here with you.

We, and I say we because I presume to speak for all those who will miss your company, know the nature of our interactions and relationships are changing, but they’re not ending. When people like us are privileged enough to know and love someone like you we’d never allow you to be a stranger. Things will be different, things will be hard. You’ll miss us, and we’ll miss you. The sadness we feel not being able to reach out and touch each other will be crushing, but the joy of our memories together will sustain us until we can create new ones together. You’ll even make new friends, call new people family, and say I love you to people you don’t even know yet. But we’re still not going anywhere; we’re right here with you.

So keep this letter with you for the nights you can’t stop the tears, the nights you’ve already cried all you can, and the nights you just need a reminder you’re loved. We are proud of you for the challenges you’ve taken on and the dreams you’re chasing. We all miss you, but we’re not waiting on your return. We’re right here with you.